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The difference between electroless nickel plating and electroless nickel plating is the knowledge of

Release time:2017-07-26 09:10:03  Views:
1. Electroless nickel plating is extremely uniform, as long as the bath can be soaked, solute exchange is sufficient, the coating will be very uniform, almost to achieve the effect of copying.2. Electroless plating Currently on the market only pure nickel-phosphorus alloy of a color, and plating can achieve a lot of color.3. Electroless plating relies on autocatalytic reactions that occur on metal surfaces. The difference between electroless plating and electroplating is that the plating requires additional current and anodes.4. Electroless plating applied to any shape of the workpiece, but the plating can not be some complex shape of the workpiece surface plating.5. Electroplating because there is an additional current, so plating faster than the electroless plating faster than me, the same thickness of the plating than the electroless plating pre-completed.6. High-phosphorus electroless nickel plating is amorphous, the coating surface without any crystal gap, and the plating layer is a typical crystalline coating.7. The adhesion of chemical plating to be generally higher than the plating layer.8. Electroless plating Because most of the use of food grade additives, do not use such as cyanide and other harmful substances, so electroless plating to be more environmentally friendly than plating.

About chemical nickel plating process characteristicsThickness uniformityThickness uniformity and good plating ability is a major feature of electroless nickel plating and is also one of the reasons for its wide application. Electroless nickel plating avoids the uneven thickness of the plating layer due to the uneven current distribution. The thickness of the plating layer is within the whole Part, especially the shape of complex parts vary greatly in the parts of the corner and near the anode from the site, thicker coating, and in the inner surface or far away from the anode coating is very thin, or even less plating, the use of chemical Plating can avoid this lack of plating. Electroless plating, as long as the surface contact with the bath, bath components consumed in time to be replenished, any part of the coating thickness are basically the same, even if the grooves, cracks, blind holes as well.2. There is no hydrogen embrittlement problemElectroplating is the use of power can convert nickel ions into metallic nickel deposited on the anode, the chemical reduction method is to reduce nickel cations into metallic nickel and deposited on the surface of the metal substrate, the experiment shows that the sandwich plating and chemical reduction of hydrogen Reaction has nothing to do with the plating conditions have a great relationship, usually the hydrogen content in the coating with the current density increases.